Let’s unite to come back and to build democratic Russia after the collapse of Putin’s regime

About the project

“By the First Flight” is a community of Russians who left the country because of their anti-war stance and political persecution and are ready to return home after the fall of the Putin’s regime to build democratic Russia.

The project is being created by the Ark, which has already united thousands of Russians all around the world, with the support of the Anti-War Committee and the participation of partners’ initiatives.

What are we doing?

We unite the advocates of democratic Russia 

Join us if you want to contribute to the development of new Russia, and meet supporters

We develop potential of Russian citizens in exile 

Complete training programs, develop leadership skills and get your initiatives accelerated

We develop the project of Russia without Putin 

Create an alternative version of our country’s future together with us

How does it work? 

Step 1
Fill the application
Answer all the questions in the questionnaire and sign the Declaration of Values
Step 2
Wait for our reply
We will process your application within 2 weeks
Step 3
Get the access
After the approval of your application you will get the access to the restricted channel and events
Step 4
Complete the training
Attend the training sessions to deepen your knowledge about the preferred topics
Step 5
Join our work
Help the working groups to develop projects of future reforms

Knowledge base

Knowledge base

Complete training programs from the “First Flight” and gain the knowledge required to create and develop democratic institutions. Lectures will be available to view as they are published.

About democracy

We are learning to understand basic principles and forms of democratic policy, discussing the organization of democratic state and current challenges to democracy.

All lectures are published in Russian.

Oleg Petrovich-Belkin

Ph.D. in History, publicist 

We are learning to understand basic principles and forms of democratic policy, discussing the organization of democratic state and current challenges to democracy.

All lectures are published in Russian.

See also


Wherever you are in the world, remember to follow basic digital security guidance to protect yourself and others.

Use a VPN 

Do not connect to open Wi-Fi networks without using a VPN - traffic via open wireless networks can be easily intercepted. Read about how to choose and connect a VPN here.

Use secure authentication 

Passwords must be unique, at least 12 characters long, and contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Be sure to enable two-factor authentication, use TOTP authenticators (like Google Authenticator) wherever possible. A short course on how to come up with strong passwords is here.

Choose a reliable postal service 

Refuse to use Russian services, such as and Yandex.Mail. Use Gmail with the Mailvelope or Protonmail extension. A video tutorial on how to encrypt email messages can be found here.

Before filling out and submitting the application, please read the full digital security memo from our colleagues of the Teplitsa.


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